Turn Up the Volume on Hourly Hiring
Springboard helps you source, screen, interview and hire the hourly talent you need, wherever and whenever you need it. Streamline volume sourcing with AI, high-volume recruitment marketing, machine learning, predictive analytics, and other emerging technologies. Quickly hire a large number of candidates for specific roles or multiple positions—perfect for expansions, mergers or seasonal peaks.
Build a Better High-Volume Recruiting Pipeline
Scale and streamline your high-volume hiring processes with automation from Springboard.
AI-Powered Sourcing
AI Sourcing provides access to millions of passive candidates in moments, offering qualified talent for every requisition.
Candidate Talent Pools
Springboard CRM builds dynamic candidate lists based on geography, interest levels, and skills. With an always-on talent pool, hiring hourly employees becomes a breeze.
Enhanced Engagement
Springboard CRM enhances the candidate experience with customisable landing pages and career sites that reinforce your EVP. Keep candidates engaged with personalised emails and automated drip campaigns.
Mobile Quick Apply
Quick apply capabilities streamline the application process, improving the candidate experience. Reduce time-to-apply, time-to-offer and time-to-accept, resulting in better fill rates, lower early-stage turnover and overall cost savings.
Streamline Interviews
Automated scheduling and candidate advancement tools reduce time-to-hire and enhance the candidate experience.
Powerful Insights
Springboard Analytics offers comprehensive reports and insights, including job seeker analytics and operational metrics, to understand the entire recruitment process. Make data-driven business decisions and manage recruitment budgets.
Merivale: High-Volume Hospitality Recruitment to Scale Stadium Services
When Merivale secured the contract to revolutionise dining experiences at Sydney’s premier sporting venues, they partnered with Springboard to overcome unprecedented recruitment challenges in a depleted talent market.